New Moon Ritual | Prosperity Spell Jar (Virtual)
New Moon Ritual | Prosperity Spell Jar (Virtual)
VIRTUAL EVENT!Wed, Jan 29 at 8:30pm EST Join Greenwild Spiritual Fellowship (Awen Grove) for January's New Moon. We'll be doing a prosperity ritual together that will include spellcrafting a prosperity spell jar. You will need:- a jar with a lid- stuff to put in the jar, see below for ideas- small green or gold candle (or white) to burn on top if jar is big enough Some Ideas---- prosperity & abundance herbs such as basil, cinnamon- a dollar bill, real or fake- an odd number of pennies, nickels, quarters- anything that is green, or gold, the color of money- rice- dried beans- green or gold (like fool's gold) crystals- essential oils that attract prosperity, money, abundance- drawings, pics or photos of something you wish to obtain- paper with a specific desire written on it such as "get a job making 20% more a year", "vacation to Italy", "all bills paid each month with $ left over" etc- candy bits "sweeten" up things- seeds to grow your abundance- magnet or lodestone to "draw" abundance to you- coffee / instant or otherwise boosts ANY spell FREE EVENT Donations are always wonderful to support our work as a religious nonprofit in South Carolina (and beyond!). You can click the donation link on the front page of our website to send any amount!