What We Believe

These are the 13 affirmations of the Greenwild Tradition and are considered our Articles of Faith.

1. We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythms and cycles of Nature marked by the phases of the Moon, the seasonal Solstices & Equinoxes, and the observance and celebration of the movement of six recognized seasons which are: Expectant Season (Late Winter), Fertile Season (Early Spring), Growing Season (Late Spring), Abundant Season (Summer), Harvest Season (Fall), and Shadow Season (Winter).  

2. We believe we are the stewards of Nature and hold a high responsibility towards our environment. We seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological balance with the world around us. We see Nature as our guide, teacher, and healer. Through cultivating mindfulness in regards to Nature, we gain wisdom and peace. We honor Nature and its gifts, and desire a deep connection to our genius loci. 

3. We acknowledge a deep power around us and within us that is far greater than what is apparent to the average person. Because it is out of the ordinary, it is sometimes labeled “supernatural”, but we see it as  divinely inspired gifts that every human has the potential to use if they so choose. 

4. We conceive of the Divine Nature of the universe as manifesting through polarity – existing between the spectrum of masculine and feminine – and that this same Divine Power lies in all people, and functions through the interaction of all points along this spectrum. No point along this spectrum is more important than the other, and all are necessary for full understanding of our place in this World. We strive to be inclusive in regards to this belief in practice and language. 

5. We recognize both the Physical World and the Spiritual World (which we call the greenwild) and recognize that the interaction of these dimensions is the basis for paranormal phenomena and magickal workings. Both are as important as the other, and necessary for a balanced life. We respect the world around us, both the seen and the unseen. We hold an animist belief that all within the universe & beyond has its own spirit or energy, and we are all connected at a quantum level. 

6. Pathworking is essential to our beliefs, and the greenwild is the spiritual realm to which we journey. The greenwild is traversed by crossing the “hedge” between the Physical World and the Spiritual World. This can be represented visually with the greenwild represented as the “world tree”, with the “hedge” spiralling around the tree, much like a DNA strand. The greenwild is divided into three sections: The Upperworld (divine beings, angels, knowledge & inspiration, divine knowledge and is visualized by the branches & leaves of the tree), The Middleworld (a spiritual representation of our physical world where we may communicate with animal and plant allies, visualized by the trunk of the tree), and The Underworld (where our ancestors, mighty dead, and spirits roam as well as the Akashic Records and our memories reside. Visualized as the roots of the tree.)

7. We take a pantheistic view of Divine Nature, noting that we are all woven as one energetic tapestry, and individual aspects are merely the weft and warp of the material connecting us together. We see gods, goddesses, divine entities, ascended masters, and the individual spirits of Nature and the Universe as threads that are not separate, but connected to us all. We are all one energy, and archetypes allow us to focus, sort and understand our world.

8. We honor the wisdom of our teachers and mentors, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership. We are appreciative of every interaction we are given by those around us, whether they are a stranger or known, for it allows us to better know ourselves, and to give opportunity to transform and grow. 

9. The Universe works on the Law of Cause and Effect; every decision (cause) will have a consequence (effect) – whether positive, negative or neutral. We diligently keep this in mind as we make decisions in our lives and interact with others.

10. Claiming our sovereign nature is the path to true power, for then, we take control of our actions and reactions. This allows us to release the need to blame anything or anyone else for the choices in our lives. We see benefit in supporting “shadow work” as one of the processes that assists in the claiming of our sovereignty. This allows us to live in a “right relationship” with others and the world around us. 

11. We deeply disagree with any other religion, spirituality or philosophy of life whose leaders and/or institutions claim to be “the only true way”, deny religious freedom to others and suppress varied religious or spiritual paths, practices, and/or beliefs. We therefore seek to inspire society’s acceptance and understanding of paganism and earth-centered spirituality through educational presentations, interfaith activity and open dialogue.

12. We do not believe in required tithing, and we support our endeavors and daily operations through fundraising efforts which allow us to provide as many no-cost to low-cost activities and events as possible for our entire community.

13. Above all, we hold ourselves to these tenets: Honor Nature, Know Thyself, Strive for Balance and Take Responsibility.